XII School information
European School on Metamaterials

A course of the European School on Metamaterials operated by the Metamorphose Virtual Institute will be held in conjunction with the Congress. This event will present a unique opportunity for young researchers to get exposure to the latest advancements in the field of metamaterials and to meet the leading experts in this explosively developing field. The lectures will be delivered by key speakers of the Congress who will address the fundamental problems in the area of artificial electromagnetic materials along with the practical aspects of microwave, millimetre, terahertz and optical applications. The course will combine lectures, problem-solving, self-study sessions, and short presentations by the participating students. Details of the School will be published at the dedicated page of the METAMORPHOSE Virtual Institute Doctoral Programme website: http://school.metamorphose-vi.org/

12th edition of the School: Antennas based on metamaterials technology and their applications

The 12th Edition of the School will be held jointly with our conference and will offer a special course on metamaterial antennas and related applications. The course will combine lectures by world's top specialists in the fields of Metamaterials and Antennas, problem-solving and self-study sessions.


Nowadays, Antennae are becoming a hot topic. The possibility to design compact antennas with enhanced performances, such as high efficiency, reduced volume, low profile, is a key issue in modern communications systems. The Metamaterials technology, where can be included EBG and AMC configurations, are offering a very promising alternative to conventional technology to achieve some stringent parameters associated to the new RF requirements of communication systems. In some applications, these technologies have already proven their validity as in GPS, overlapping-feeds, WAAS, phased array antennas. The scope of this course goes to students, junior and senior researches interested in knowing how to design antennas based on Metamaterials technology and the feasibility offered by this technology to improve current communication systems.

Registration to the school and payment will be possible via this website (starting from 19.05.2008).
You will need to >>>>>> register <<< to the website. After that you should fill your profile at the website and follow the "Register to the Congress and/or School" link there.


Our Next Congress


Cooperating organizations

Navarra Plan Tecnologico de Navarra
Agencia Navarra de Innovacion UPNA
URSI European Physical Society
IET Elsevier
Journal of Optics Journal of Physics D
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