An exhibtion for industrial companies and research instituaitons will be organised during the Congress days.
We welcome software, hardware and service providers and companies whose bussinnes is related to artficial electromagnetic materials, metamaterials, and other composite materials for applications in radio, microwave, and optical technologies to present their products and services.
There is a perfect opportunity to reach your target audience at the 2nd International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Pamplona, Spain, September 21-26, 2008. This event brings together your potential customers for six days of presentations, discussions, exchanges, courses and strategy development in artificial electromagnetic materials science and technology. The 2007 edition of the Congress attracted almost 400 participants from 40 different countries of 5 continents (for more details see our 2007 Congress report ).
We offer the following two basic forms of possible cooperation:
1. Exhibitor - if you want to promote your company yourself at our Congress.
2. Sponsor – if you want us to promote your company via our Congress website, social events, special actions and conference materials.
Please find the details here:
We are happy to negotiate conditions of your participation in this event. Please feel free to call us
+358-9-451-2937 (10:00-18:00 GMT) or use our Congress Contact Form.
Congress Steering Committee