If you need an invitation letter for visa application, please leave a request via the contact tool ("contact" on the left menu). In your request, please include your passport number.
Please note that the Spanish immigration law states that any VISA application requires a 6-month validity of the applicant's passport from the day the applicant plans to enter Spain. Further information can be obtained from Spanish consulates abroad. The web site of the Spanish Ministry fo Foreign Affairs is http://www.maec.es/en/Home/Paginas/HomeEn.aspx
How to arrive to Pamplona
By plane
The nearest airport is in Noáin, approximately seven kilometers from Pamplona (the Pamplona- Zaragoza road), and is well connected to the city by road. Pamplona-Noáin airport has daily flights to Madrid and Barcelona and the international airports of Bilbao and Biarritz bring the rest of the world closer. For regional flights (Pamplona to/from Barcelona or Madrid), please see IBERIA web site.
There are two possibilities to reach the city centre:
By train
The railway station is in the district of San Jorge, not far from the city centre, and there are regular trains to/from Alicante, Alsasua, Barcelona, Burgos, Coruña, Irún, Hendaya, León, Lugo, Madrid, Orense, Oviedo, Palencia, San Sebastián, Valencia, Vigo, Vitoria and Zaragoza. Passengers coming from the south have to change in Madrid.
Train timetables: http://www.renfe.es/horarios/english/index.html
By car
Pamplona is served by a network of roads in the directions of Huesca, Zaragoza, Logroño, San Sebastián, and Irún. More specifically, both long-haul and provincial and local traffic is mainly channelled via the following roads:
- A-15 is the motorway which begins in the south of Navarre and San Sebastián, forming a part of the Pamplona ring road
- N-121 Pamplona-Zaragoza road, which also links with A-15. This motorway reaches Irurtzun in the north, where the main road to San Sebastián begins, and links with the Ebro Motorway (A-68) in the south, which takes you to Zaragoza in the east and Logroño in the west. This road also connects with N-113 Madrid road
- N-111 Pamplona-Logroño road
- N-240 Pamplona-Jaca road
- N-240-A Sakana main road which joins Pamplona, Vitoria and San Sebastián, which also links with A-15 motorway in Irurtzun
- N-121-A Pamplona-Behovia road via the Velate pass
- NA-135 Pamplona-France road via Valcarlos
From San Sebastián and Vitoria to Pamplona
The best way to reach Pamplona from San Sebastián is the Main Road of the North, A-15, which becomes a motorway 30 km from Pamplona (Irurtzun). The Sakana main road (N-240-A) also reaches Irurtzun and is the best option when coming from Vitoria.
From the Castilian Plateau and Galicia to Pamplona
Navarre can be reached from the Castilian Plateau on N-1 Madrid-Irún road to Vitoria and then N-240 A to Pamplona. From Galicia following N-634 to Bilbao, turning onto the Vitoria motorway and then following N-240 A to Pamplona.
Arriving from and leaving towards France
- N-121 A Behovia-Pamplona road via the Velate pass
- N-121 B France-Pamplona road via Baztán
- N-135 France-Pamplona road via Valcarlos
- N-138 France-Pamplona road via Alduides
- A-8 motorway from Behovia to San Sebastián, where it links up with A15 to Pamplona
Ring roads
The ring road network, comprising NA-30 (North Ring Road), NA-32 (East Ring Road) and A-15 (West Ring Road) connects municipalities in the Pamplona district and different parts of the city itself, distributing traffic between specific areas of Pamplona. If you reach Pamplona via the:
- North Ring Road: you access the districts of San Jorge, Rochapea, San Pedro, Chantrea and Magdalena.
- West Ring Road: you access the districts of Mendebaldea, Echavacoiz, Iturrama, Abejeras and Azpilagaña, as well as the campuses of both the University of Navarre and the Public University of Navarre.
- East Ring Road: you access the districts of Milagrosa and Ensanche.
The Historical Centre and the district of San Juan can be reached from any of the districts listed above, depending from where you reach Pamplona.