Metamaterials Characterization

“Theoretical Issues and Practical Aspects of Metamaterial Characterisation”

NEW (Post-congress):
The slides presented by the panellists are available on the wweb site of the ECONAM project, click here.

The Session will be held in the room LUNETA at 18:45 on Wednesday, 24.09.2008

Submit your questions by clicking "Write comment" on the "Comments" page (login required).

Sergei Tretyakov, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Allan Boardman, University of Salford, UK
Ricardo Marques, University of Seville, Spain
Stefan Linden, Karlsruhe University, Germany
Yang Hao, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Raj Mittra, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Alex Schuchinsky, Queen’s University Belfast, UK

The session will address the three main themes:
1. Effective Parameter Definitions & Physical Meaning
2. Parameter Measurements, Extraction & Interpretation
3. Applications to Antennas, Scattering, Imaging and Cloaking Devices

To make the session focused and help the panellist address the issues of specific interest for audience, we invite you to submit by clicking "Write comment" on the "Comments" page (login required) burning questions pertaining to Metamaterials, in general, and the listed themes, in particular, that you would like to be discussed in the panel session. You are also encouraged to provide any comments that would help shed light on the issues raised by other participants and share your experiences with us. Thus all visitors to the website can benefit from your input, and we can identify certain important issues to be discussed during the panel session. Please make your comments succinct and specific, so that the webpage remains informative and manageable. Please refrain from making any personal or politically-oriented remarks, but keep them focused on the technical issues alone.
The success of this new paradigm for organizing panel sessions that we are following will depend entirely on your active participation--regardless of whether you are a researcher, a scientist, or a practitioner--a theoretician or an experimentalist--or just curious about the topic of discussion. We are counting on you to keep the website humming with your contributions, and are also hoping that you will actively participate in the panel session in Pamplona.

Please make your comments succinct and specific, so that the webpage remains informative and manageable. Please refrain from making any personal or politically-oriented remarks, but keep them focused on the technical issues alone.

We have our ears open. Let us hear from you!

Alex Schuchinsky and Raj Mittra,
Conveners - moderators

Submit your questions by clicking "Write comment" on the Comments page (login required).
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