- generalization of old-time extraction methods
|2008-05-27 08:05:20
About parameter extraction: the classical method of finding out the permittivity and permeability of a slab of "ordinary" material is to measure the S-parameters and the inversion is rather unique (except for the phase retrieval which may be multiple wavelengths; for that ambiguity solutions however exist).
Very important is the question whether this extraction method is automatically applicable and can be relied on when the slab is made of some type of "metamaterial." Can the extracted permittivity and permeability be trusted without any additional constraints?
Ari Sihvola
|2008-07-07 13:26:56
There are publications on extraction permittivity and permeability of the thin slab. For parameters extraction we should know slab thickness well, what is not a problem for in fact homogenous material. But how do we define the slab thickness for 3D metamaterials? What should we regard as the first and last interfaces of the slab, when we process measurements or simulatuion data?
Andrei Andryieuski
|2008-07-24 17:33:28
Dear Andrei, we have recently considered this problem of extremely thin "layers", going to the limit of one layer of particles, here is the reference:
E. Saenz, P.M.T. Ikonen, R. Gonzalo, and S.A. Tretyakov, On the definition of effective permittivity and permeability for thin composite layers, J. of Applied Physics, vol. 101, p. 114910, 2007.
Basically, our conclusion is that two "traditional" material parameters can model the layer properties only in a limited sense.
Sergei Tretyakov
|2008-08-04 10:22:22
Dear Sergei
Thanks a lot for the link - it is really useful.
Am I right that the described method is applicable only for the simple structures which allows analytical solutions? How can we extend this method for measurements and numerical simulation data processing?
What concerns effective slab thickness, it is written in the article you recommended, that for the case of metal structures "... an effective thickness of Deff=1.5D is chosen but we should bear in mind that that this is only rough estimation, and an accurate determination of this effective slab thickness is very difficult". So the problem is still open and I would be very glad to learn more about that.